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No better day than the 4th of July, a holiday that celebrates a false notion of freedom and equality, to take some time to reflect on the state of our nation right now.


COVID-19 still has us upside down, and we’re collectively wading through the present/past fallout and our future fears. We’re simultaneously engaging in a long overdue revolution for Black lives - and learning how to sustain it. 

We are deep in our shit together. It’s going to take a marathon effort from each of us to reshape our country into an equitable and just form. I’m hopeful.

I know that our health and wellness are critical to sustaining a long fight for freedom. I am here to be of service to you. To offer you self-love and -care practices for when you need to press pause to rest and rejuvenate. So you can step back in with a clearer heart, greater reserves, and more energy. 

We can’t afford to burn out. We need to care for ourselves and each other, so we can build something better for everyone. 



Rachel Bussey